My first key strokes

Samudra Banerjee
2 min readJul 22, 2022


I was intrigued by computers as early as first grade, when my dad showed me a magazine photo of a computer. “So, if you work on a computer, you basically watch TV all day, right?”, I asked my dad. I don’t remember what he replied, but I kept a cut-out of that photo. Later, I made a toy computer with a cardboard shoe-box, plastic and a flashlight. “Look, dad. I have a computer now!”.

In 3rd grade, we could choose painting, or computers as one of the courses. It was an obvious choice for me. Why on earth would I choose painting? The first “computer class” was all theory and everything flew over my head. “Well, maybe I should have taken painting”, I thought. However, things changed the next time when we were taken inside a computer lab. It was full of those early desktops which did not have a hard drive and ran DOS. They had slots for these gigantic floppy disks. I also loved the smell of the air that came out of the air conditioners.

Our Computer Lab in 2005. It wasn’t much different in 1995.

We were using LOGO, which is a language for drawing. I recommend reading about it. It’s a fun one. In a nutshell, you are given a “turtle” with a “pen”. Upon your command, the turtle moves around the screen, leaving a trail. I typed a couple of commands which were written on the board:

FD 50
RT 90

Which means, “Move forward 50 pixels, then make a 90-degrees right turn”. I didn’t care about the output. I was exhilarated at the fact that I just operated a computer. Not a toy one, a real one with a real screen!

“Dad, I operated a computer!”, I yelled when I reached home.

The LOGO interface



Samudra Banerjee
Samudra Banerjee

Written by Samudra Banerjee

Sr. Software Engineer at Microsoft. Ex-Amazon

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